Friday 6 November 2015



Les Brown, the famous motivational speaker said,” your dreams are possible, it is going to be hard, their will be disappointments, hopelessness; but it is possible”.

The word Perseverance and Persistence hold a lot of importance and meaning in our WORLD. No matter from which background you belong to or what your dreams and aspirations are or what your life goals are, but what you need is Perseverance.

As per Google, perseverance is – continuing in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Anybody associated with our profession ( CA,CMA,CS etc) or who has high dreams to achieve something substantial and important to him has to have the power of perseverance.

From the first step of giving hard hitting and difficult papers to attending the long period trainings, persistence is really required. In Chartered Accountancy course itself it holds high place in our mind and soul. In every step of becoming a professional and even after becoming one, we make a lot of choices which will be going to affect our overall dreams and desire.

Life will try to stop you, ignore you, keep you in hopeless situations; but the one who is going to work hard and continue to put his plan in action will one day achieve his DREAM. And that day will be the one when he will recognize that he got that because he could persist in his actions and doings.

In our profession the process of giving the over the top hard papers which require a lot of studying and hard work coupled with the exhaustive yet very interesting articleship, the success rate being low require a lot of hope and Perseverance. The fact that when your friends are enjoying and partying and you are missing that thing and having hope that one day you will also do it with your own money when you will achieve your dreams requires the Power and Support of Perseverance and Persistence.

In every sphere of life and for every person on this planet their will be hardships coming along the way, their will be difficulties and major setbacks. The one who has the strong and powerful will, hope and desire to achieve his dreams coupled with hardwork , will be the one who will achieve it with the help of persistent tasks and actions.

So friends no matter at which level you are whether a student , a trainee , or even a member, just believe in your hard work and just work towards your goals and you will definitely one day achieve it because all you did was Perseverance.